Friday, April 5, 2019

Tasting - OnePio

Name: OnePio Lugana
Variety: Trebbiano di Lugana
Region: Lombardy
Country: Italy
Year: 2017
Price: $20

Shop review: "100% Trebbiano di Lugana. Soft, harmonious, full and well-balanced wine with straw yellow color. It impresses the nose thanks to its multifaceted and fragrant perfume, that gives off almond and citrus emotions, where it’s possible to recognize even a fresh pineapple touch."

My review: Here we have another one of those soft-spoken wines that are basically tart water and therefore just okay. They go off in the review about how fragrant it is but I had trouble smelling anything. Then again allergies are in full-swing. Are you sick of me making excuses yet? Sweet aromas of plums, tropical fruit, and citric acid lead into a disappointing tart, dry taste. Not much to it. Maybe it would be a good aperitif, but overall I wasn't impressed.

I tasted this wine without food.

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